College Process Check-up

Some families and applicants want an external, expert review to help them decide how to best proceed with their college process.  Others want to make sure they are on-track and focusing on the right priorities for that stage of high school.   Others might not need or want a full-service process, yet need some targeted advice.  For all of them, we offer the College Process Check-up.

College Process Check-up

What is a College Process Check-up?

The College Process Check-up quickly and efficiently delivers a checkpoint of where you currently stand with the most important elements of the college admissions process, and gives you a prioritized list of recommendations. 

This process involves:

  1. A short phone or video conversation about the student/family goals and situation
  2. Materials for student and/or parents to fill out capturing: courses taken and grades, standardized tests, extracurricular activities, summer activities, goals, interests, and personal qualities
  3. A thorough review of all materials provided and the students’ overall situation and context in advance of the session
  4. Two-hour personal video session with the parent(s) and/or student
  5. Detailed written report following our session that provides prioritized, bullet point recommendations for making wise choices in the college process.

What will I get from a College Process Check-up?

You will receive an objective assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, an overview of how you fit into your context, and a sense of what you need to do in order to be a competitive candidate at a range of possible colleges.

You will also receive specific recommendations that are tailored for your specific goals and situation, which likely include:

  • Curriculum choices
  • Standardized testing plan
  • Extracurricular activity choices
  • Summer activity options
  • Focused college visit strategy
  • Preliminary college list
  • Early action/decision choices
  • Suggestions for who and how to ask for letters of recommendation, and what information to provide letter writers
  • Key elements of your story to communicate to all colleges
  • Possible essay topics
  • Process to develop a portfolio of essays to present your story through personal statement and supplemental essays

Exact recommendations will cover what will impact your candidacy the most, and will be appropriate to the candidate’s grade level, objectives, interests, context, and specific situation.

Pricing available upon request. 

If at the end of the personal video session you decide to become a full-service client, then there will be no additional charge for the College Process Check-Up – it will be considered as a part of that process.