
We work with families to offer college counseling services and pricing that fits their needs and budget. Most of our clients prefer a package approach, where we help you through the entire process and get to know your student and family well.  If an a la carte approach fits your needs better, we also work on an hourly basis with some clients.

Many of the students and families we work with have college in the back of their minds as they are laying a foundation for future success in 8th, 9th, and 10th grade.  This gives them time to fully explore and develop their interests and abilities.  Assessing your educational context and specific strengths, weaknesses and opportunities at this stage affords the flexibility to still impact most of what matters: course selection, standardized testing, outside of school pursuit of your passions, extracurricular activities, summer programs, competitions, etc.  Our services for these students are described here:  Grades 8-10.

As applications loom on the horizon during junior and senior years, students focus on gearing up for the application process, including: making effective college visits, preparing an appropriate college list, making wise early decision/action choices, selecting and effectively interacting with recommendation letter writers, managing time and stress, and making last minute changes to standardized testing, course selection, and activity plans.  Of course, we help clients with the actual applications as well, including helping students choose which aspects of themselves to highlight, how to concisely and compellingly communicate those aspects, specific essay brainstorming and editing, etc.  Our services for these students are listed here:  Grades 11-12

We help candidates with other essential elements of their candidacy, such as:

While we typically work with candidates and families throughout the application process, we also know some students only need more targeted assistance with specific elements of the college application process.  These include:

  • Essay editing
  • Common/coalition application assistance
  • College interview preparation
  • Re-grouping after early decision/action results
  • Wait list guidance

We also assist students and families with:

  • Private high school applications
  • Transfer admissions
  • Graduate school admissions

Please contact us to explore whether we have openings and how we can best help you.